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Wellness By Design

Sep 7, 2023

Would you like to learn how to release pain by creating more peace and calm?  Download my free guided meditation audio bundle here:

Have you heard about the Twelve Laws of the Universe? Join me today and learn more about these 12 universal laws, how they affect our lives, and how they help us live a healthier, better, and more fulfilled life. 


In this episode you’ll learn:

⏰ 01:03 - The Twelve Universal Laws

⏰ 04:21 - 1. Law of Divine Oneness

⏰ 06:03 - 2. Law of Cause and Effect

⏰ 06:59 - 3. Law of Vibration 

⏰ 10:14 - 4. Law of Correspondence 

⏰ 13:15 - 5. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

⏰ 14:14 - 6. Law of Attraction

⏰ 16:15 - 7. Law of Inspired Action

⏰ 18:01 - 8. Law of Compensation

⏰ 18:48 - 9. Law of Relatively

⏰ 20:37 - 10. Law of Polarity

⏰ 21:26 - 11. Law of Rhythm

⏰ 23:18 - 12. Law of Gender

⏰ 25:32 - The ONE Thing You Can Do Today


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